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Frog @ease Mineral Sanitizer for Bullfrog Spas®

Swim Ball

Compatible Bullfrog Spas® models: S150, S180XD, S200, and all other brands of swim spas.

@ease Swim Spa Starter Kit (Blue & Silver SWIM)

@ease Swim Spa Starter Kit (Blue & Silver SWIM)

Regular price $129.95
Sale price $129.95 Regular price
@ease Swim Spa SmartChlor (Silver Single Pack Replacement SWIM)

@ease Swim Spa SmartChlor (Silver Single Pack Replacement SWIM)

Regular price $44.95
Sale price $44.95 Regular price
@ease Swim Spa Maintain

@ease Swim Spa Maintain

Regular price $19.95
Sale price $19.95 Regular price
@ease Jump Start

@ease Jump Start

Regular price $5.25
Sale price $5.25 Regular price
@ease SmartChlor Test Strips

@ease SmartChlor Test Strips

Regular price $12.50
Sale price $12.50 Regular price
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Frog @ease for swim spas

Swim Ball Auto-Ship Bundles

Simplify your water care routine when you subscribe to automatic delivery of essential supplies to maintain your swim spa. Every kit includes the Frog @ease essentials with your choice of filters.


✓ 1 x Mineral Cartridge (Blue)
✓ 4 x SmartChlor® Cartridges (Silver)
✓ 4 x Jumpstart® Packet
✓ 12 x Maintain® Packets
✓ Your choice of filters


Choose an auto-ship program:


What other Cleartub Club members are saying about Frog @ease:

Dolores Krause 

So far, so good! The Frog@ease system has been keeping the water very clear, and it's extremely easy to use. Previously we used a Di-Chlor system from our hot tub dealer, and we ended up having a Cyanuric Acid problem. The CYA built up to the point that it rendered the chlorine completely ineffective, causing the water to become very cloudy and contaminated. The only remedy at that point was to empty and refill the spa prematurely. We are very happy to now use Frog@ease, which contains no CYA, and the bonus is that it's so much easier to use. We just corrected the alkalinity/pH, dropped it in the spa, and occasionally add a little of the Frog@ease Maintain. No more need to test and adjust the water every day! It's especially nice right now because we had a winter cold snap and would not have been able to lift the cover to add chemicals for a week. I just opened it today and the water is still crystal clear. That aspect will also be nice for maintaining clear water while out of town. Thanks for making spa maintenance so much easier!

Travis Rutta

I've been using the new and improved FROG @ease in my new Bullfrog Spas A8L since we bought it last year and it's so, so, so much better than the old version, which we used on our old Bullfrog Spa. I like that it sits outside the filter canister but behind the JetPak, so it's hidden, but I can reach it pretty easily. And, best of all, it now actually lasts beyond what I was expecting, like 5 or 6 weeks. The water stays perfectly clear, and I like that it's mineral water and low chlorine, so you don't get any smells or skin irritation, which my son was getting when we used regular chlorine. We still have to put a little dash of shock in there when the kids have a bunch of friends over, but for the most part, we don't have to do anything else. Great product!

John Forsythe

The Frog @Ease system is super! Easy to use and keeps our hot tub chemical levels where they should be. I’ve struggled with balancing my chlorine since buying my hot tub. This product has made it so easy. On the test strips I’m right in the appropriate range. The water in my hot tub also feels softer. For a “set it and forget it” type chlorine system this can’t be beat. The blue minerals half of the Frog last 4 months, and the silver half of the Frog SmartChlor lasts up to 4 weeks and the Frog flips from blue half up to silver half up when empty. Replacing the SmartChlor silver half is a simple twist of the container. The startup kit includes shock packet and test strips for testing the hot tub.

Lisa Gomez

I love this system! With my old hot tub, it was a constant battle to keep the water clear and balanced. This system makes it so easy!! Every time I open the cover, I know my water will be crystal clear!

Hannah Bertrand

The floating system is AMAZING! I get in my hot tub almost daily and before trying the floating system my water always ended up cloudy and foamy and it was a task to keep everything within the correct parameters. I was testing and adjusting the water every day. I emptied and refilled my tub, got my hardness, alkalinity, and ph levels where they needed to be, plopped that little blue guy in the water and haven’t had to add a chemical yet!!!

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Sanitation designed specifically for Bullfrog Spas® owners.

Enjoy cleaner, clearer, and softer water with the Frog @ease System, custom-designed for your Bullfrog Spa®. This innovative system creates fresh mineral water while eliminating bacteria in two ways — using SmartChlor®, a unique, self-regulating chlorine that works on demand, and Frog Minerals™ for an extra layer of protection. With up to 75% less chlorine usage, your water stays gentle on your skin, your swimsuits maintain their color, and all you have to do is sit back and relax.

Why Frog @ease for Bullfrog Spas?


Up to 75%* less chlorine with no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels.


Set the dial, install the cartidges and shock only once a month.


Self-regulates for continuous crystal-clear water.


Single color match for easy reading with Frog @ease Test Strips.


Looking for a different system?

All sanitizing systems for Bullfrog Spas®: